ATD Painting applies a variety of waterproofing (or moisture resistant) coatings to stucco, stone, EIFS, concrete, cinderblock and more. We have had a great deal of success in solving moisture issues where others have failed. Most commonly we are called in after months of the roofers attempting to stop the leaks.
On the project pictured, roofers had been out too many times and still there was standing water in the church foyer after a hard rain – especially wind driven rain.

ATD Applied Seal-A-Pore™ HP from Garland Co. It goes on clear and flat, and is invisible after drying. The Seal-A-Pore™ HP goes on twice as thick than any other similar product we have seen and comes with a 10-year warranty from Garland Co.

The Seal-A-Pore™ HP – This silicone damproofing solution’s deep penetration into the tiny pores of brick and mortar forms a long lasting water-repellent surface without changing the structure’s texture or appearance. The reduction in water absorption reduces spalling due to freeze-thaw and eliminates efflorescence.

We have now successfully stopped the leaks for 6+ months and counting. This church is now a three time repeat customer for ATD on both interior and exterior painting and waterproofing.